Learning Binary Codes for Maximum Inner Product Search

Fumin Shen, Wei Liu, Shaoting Zhang, Yang Yang, Heng Tao Shen; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pp. 4148-4156


Binary coding or hashing techniques are recognized to accomplish efficient near neighbor search, and have thus attracted broad interests in the recent vision and learning studies. However, such studies have rarely been dedicated to Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS), which plays a critical role in various vision applications. In this paper, we investigate learning binary codes to exclusively handle the MIPS problem. Inspired by the latest advance in asymmetric hashing schemes, we propose an asymmetric binary code learning framework based on inner product fitting. Specifically, two sets of coding functions are learned such that the inner products between their generated binary codes can reveal the inner products between original data vectors. We also propose an alternative simpler objective which maximizes the correlations between the inner products of the produced binary codes and raw data vectors. In both objectives, the binary codes and coding functions are simultaneously learned without continuous relaxations, which is the key to achieving high-quality binary codes. We evaluate the proposed method, dubbed Asymmetric Inner-product Binary Coding (AIBC), relying on the two objectives on several large-scale image datasets. Both of them are superior to the state-of-the-art binary coding and hashing methods in performing MIPS tasks.

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author = {Shen, Fumin and Liu, Wei and Zhang, Shaoting and Yang, Yang and Tao Shen, Heng},
title = {Learning Binary Codes for Maximum Inner Product Search},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {December},
year = {2015}