Depth Selective Camera: A Direct, On-Chip, Programmable Technique for Depth Selectivity in Photography
Ryuichi Tadano, Adithya Kumar Pediredla, Ashok Veeraraghavan; Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pp. 3595-3603
Time of flight (ToF) cameras use a temporally modulated light source and measure correlation between the reflected light and a sensor modulation pattern, in order to infer scene depth. In this paper, we show that such correlational sensors can also be used to selectively accept or reject light rays from certain scene depths. The basic idea is to carefully select illumination and sensor modulation patterns such that the correlation is non-zero only in the selected depth range - thus light reflected from objects outside this depth range do not affect the correlational measurements. We demonstrate a prototype depth-selective camera and highlight two potential applications: imaging through scattering media and virtual blue screening. This depthselectivity can be used to reject back-scattering and reflection from media in front of the subjects of interest, thereby significantly enhancing the ability to image through scattering media- critical for applications such as car navigation in fog and rain. Similarly, such depth selectivity can also be utilized as a virtual blue-screen in cinematography by rejecting light reflecting from background, while selectively retaining light contributions from the foreground subject.
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author = {Tadano, Ryuichi and Kumar Pediredla, Adithya and Veeraraghavan, Ashok},
title = {Depth Selective Camera: A Direct, On-Chip, Programmable Technique for Depth Selectivity in Photography},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {December},
year = {2015}